Grace Bible Summer Camp in Goshen, VA

Grace Bible Camp was founded in 1953. Located in the gorgeous mountains of Goshen, Virginia on 50 acres that is also surrounded by National Forest. Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible. We offer a unique experience for both children and teenagers.
Campers that join our summer camp program will be immersed in God’s beautiful creation while growing stronger in their personal walk in faith. Daily activities include, bible study. Chapel sessions, praise/worship, archery, mini golf, swimming, leather crafts, canoeing, go karts, camp fires and so much more! Campers will experience a screen free week of camp. This gives them a chance to learn, grow and experience the best week possible!
Campers enjoy these fun activities each week:
- Swimming
- Archery
- Minibikes
- Tetherball
- Nature Hikes
- Air Riflery
- Miniature Golf
- Ping Pong
- Bible Studies
- Leathercraft
- Frisbee Golf
- Box Hockey
- Camp Fires
- Tournaments
- Cabn Devotions
- Skit Night
- Cabin Outing
- Award Ceremony
- Canoeing (Grades 7-12)
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