Advertise with Williamsburg Families

Interested in advertising on, The Burg Weekender, The Burg Weekly and/or through Social Media Promotion?

Please contact us  to receive our advertising programs and rates sheet. We will be glad to customize an advertising package that helps you connect with the community. offers a variety of unique and engaging ways to connect with local families. Promotion can take place:

  • within the site environment, by e-mail or live event;
  • in the form of sponsored content or traditional web ad;
  • to the entire site community or exclusively to site members

Some of these opportunities include:

  • Site Advertising
  • Business Directory
  • Sports & Classes
  • E-Newsletter ads The Burg Weekender & Weekly
  • Your business’ unique, trackable deal or promotion!
  • Facebook, Instagram, X promotion
  • Your event on our Calendar
  • Contests

For more information and to receive our advertising rate sheet, please email