Homeschool Appreciation Day – VA Air & Space – Sep. 26 2013

Sep. 26, 11 am – 3pm at the Virginia Air & Space Center in Hampton, Va. Click here for a flyer.

Please R.S.V.P. by September 24, 2013 • Email Swee Hart at • 757-727-0900

•Learn more about homeschooling from HEAV
• Find out how our NASA Educator Resource
Center (ERC) can enhance your curriculum.
• Learn about homeschool workshop opportunities and classes.
• Enjoy our “electrifying” science demonstration.
• Find out more about special programs at the Center like overnight
camp-ins and Kids Club.
• Participate in the “Exploration Design Challenge”
program and have your name flown in space.
• See what Hampton History Museum has to offer


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