Stay at Home Order effective thru June 10, 2020 -Executive Order 53

Executive Order Number fifty-five (2020) Temporary Stay at Home Order due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
All individuals in Virginia shall remain at their place of residence, except to for allowable travel, getting medical attention, going to work, caring for family or household members, groceries and services, prescriptions, out of reasonable fear for health or safety, Volunteering with organizations that provide charitable or social services and others as outlined here.
The outdoors are NOT closed you can still engage in outdoor activity with strict social distancing of at least six feet from any other person, with the
exception of family or household members or caretakers. Beaches are closed except to fishing and exercise.
Institutions of higher education shall cease all in-person classes and instruction. For all details scroll down to images of Executive Order 55 or click here to see it.
This Executive Order shall be effective March 30, 2020, amends Amended Order of the Governor and State Health Commissioner Declaration of Public Health Emergency, Order of Public Health Emergency One and Executive Order 53, and shall remain in full force and in effect until June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by further executive order.

To read the entire Executive Order please visit here
Visit Ralph Northam, Virginia Governor’s Facebook page and website.