Williamsburg Regional Library Offering Touch-less Curbside Service

WRL now offering touch-less hold pickup service
This is exciting! Williamsburg Regional Library is launching a touch-less curbside service to get items into your hands while the library buildings remain closed. Place your holds, and when you’re notified that items are ready, call or text the library to make a weekday appointment for pickup.
How does it work?
- Place items you’d like to check out on hold through WRL website or app. Phone requests will begin May 26, 2020.
- Once your holds are available, you will receive a notification by either email, text, or phone.
- Next, call or text the library to set up your curbside pick-up appointment. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and you can choose at which building you’d like to pick up your materials. You will need your library card barcode number.
- On the day of your appointment, walkup to the pick-up area. You’ll want your library card barcode number with you for this step as well.
- Pre-bagged items will be placed on tables at the main entrance of both buildings and placed in alphabetical order by last name.
- Pick-up times are staggered to minimize your chances of coming into contact with other people but please remember to maintain social distance of at least six feet.

WRL Contact Information
Williamsburg Library – 515 Scotland St, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Phone: 757-259-4060
Text: 505-7898
James City County Library – 7770 Croaker Road. Williamsburg, VA 23188
Phone: 757-259-7753
Text: 505-7478
More information at https://www.wrl.org