Williamsburg Community Growers Garden and Teaching Farm Continues to Expand
Williamsburg Community Growers Garden
If you have been by Warhill High School or walked the WISC trail by the High School lately then you’ve you’ve probably noticed the gorgeous large garden by the power lines. It has grown by leaps and bounds over the last year and looks wonderful. Curious who is running it, what they are doing and if you can get involved? We found out these answers and more.
The garden is run by Williamsburg Community Growers, a 501c3 non-profit, whose mission is to educate the public regarding the benefits of producing and consuming locally grown produce; provide gardening space for individuals and organizations; promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles for the community; demonstrate and promote conservation practices.

Who Can Join
Community garden memberships for garden plots and supports are available however the garden is full for 2020. To be placed on a waiting list email Jessica, the Community Garden Coordinator at jessica@growwilliamsburg.org.

Giving to the Community
Williamsburg Community Growers has donated hundreds of pounds of fresh, locally grown produce to community organizations and low-income neighborhoods. In 2018 the farm donated over 650 pounds of fresh, locally grown produce. In 2019 over 1,200 pounds of produce was donated.
Come learn about small-scale farming and participate in a local food system. The garden had over 2,000 volunteer hours last season. Pam Dannon, President of Williamsburg Community Growers, said “Our Community Garden has expanded into new space and we constantly have families who want to join us. We offer a lot of supports including irrigation, fencing, compost, and mulch – as well as technical expertise from Master Gardeners and the Colonial Soil and Water Conservation District.”
Volunteer days are Terrific Tuesdays 5:30 – 7 pm, and Saturday mornings 7:30 to 10 or 10:00 to 12:30. Sign up at https://www.givepulse.com/group/events/482301 or email info@growwilliamsburg.org
What is Ahead
WCG recently received funding from askHRgreen to expand their composting system and associated signage to educate gardeners and visitors. They will soon be building a greenhouse with grant funding from the Williamsburg Community Foundation. They continue to work with the county and school district for site planning and shared use planning.
For updates and more information follow them on Facebook or go to their website www.growwilliamsburg.org/.